Basic Maven project for Vertx
Vertx is an open source and reactive framework. It is a polyglot framework which means it supports JVM and non-JVM based languages.
Steps for creating the basic vertx project:
- Create a maven project.
- The maven dependency for vertx framework can be given as.
- Create an instance for the class Vertx by calling Vertx.vertx() and HttpServer by calling vertx.createHttpServer() as given below.
Vertx vertx=Vertx.vertx();
HttpServer httpServer=vertx.createHttpServer();
- Create a Router instance by passing the vertx instance name to the Router.router() method as given below.
Router router=Router.router(vertx);
- Now we can create routes using this router variable.
The sample route can be given as
Using get method
Route handler1=router
.handler(routingContext ->{
String name=routingContext.request().getParam("name");
HttpServerResponse response =routingContext.response();
response.write("Hi "+name+ " from get\n");
Here inside the get method the "/:name" represnets that the name is a variable name. we can access the value of the name variable from the url by
The HttpServerResponse insatnce is used to write the response for the get method. The output when the url is /hello/Aravind will be shell Hi Aravind from get
Using post method
Route handler2=router
.handler(routingContext ->{
HttpServerResponse response =routingContext.response();
response.write("Hello Aravind from post\n");
- The port number has to be configured using httpServer.listen(port_number) method.
The whole Application class of this basic project can be give as
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Route;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
Vertx vertx=Vertx.vertx();
HttpServer httpServer=vertx.createHttpServer();
Router router=Router.router(vertx);
Route handler1=router
.handler(routingContext ->{
String name=routingContext.request().getParam("name");
HttpServerResponse response =routingContext.response();
response.write("Hi "+name+ " from get\n");
Route handler2=router
.handler(routingContext ->{
HttpServerResponse response =routingContext.response();
response.write("Hello Aravind from post\n");
Written by Aravind P C